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Unbewusstes Kollektiv; Oder: Lenins Alptraum

Unbewusstes Kollektiv; Oder: Lenins Alptraum

„’Tell me, are these people really that perfect, or are you just demonstrating your lack of Macro awareness?‘ ’You’re right, Karl,‘ I admitted. ’That’s my problem. They appear so perfect, so superhuman that I can’t see how I could ever be like them.‘“ (T. Alexander,...
Lass Dir alles geschehen – Im Kaninchenbau des Monsters

Lass Dir alles geschehen – Im Kaninchenbau des Monsters

„What drives people crazy is trying to live outside reality. Reality is terrible. It can kill you. Given time, it certainly will kill you. The reality is pain – you said that! But it’s the lies, the evasions of reality, that drive you crazy. It’s the lies that make...
Förster schlagen Alarm: Wald wächst vor lauter Bäumen

Förster schlagen Alarm: Wald wächst vor lauter Bäumen

„He realizes that truth is always a function of the size of one’s perspective. That is, the larger your perspective, the more truths you can comprehend.“ (T. Alexander, „2150 A.D.“) Glauben, Vertrauen, kommt von Erfahrungen. Es gibt keine Abkürzung. „This is an...