Oder: Vom Urknall des Bewusstseins – Spätfolgen „It is very unhappy, but too late to be helped, the discovery we have made, that we exist. That discovery is called the Fall of Man.“ (R.W. Emerson, „Essays and other Writings“) Die einzige Todsünde der Menschheit...
So let‘s talk about feelings. They arise spontaneosusly, without any effort as it seems, and we are so used to them. To like or to reject someone or something, to be the victim or the attacker, to fall in love or to hate. We all know them, they come very easily to us,...
When trees burst into dreadful life Alongside their eternal strive; When newborn colours naughtily explode And branches ache under their load; When laughing birds reclaim their quarters, Sparkling in the midst of falling waters, They greet their lazy kin which lie...
(N)Euer Senf – mittelscharf, wenn’s geht