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„There is an ancient path
extremely fine and extending far;

It has touched me, I’ve discovered it!
By it they go up to the heavenly world
          released from here,
          wise men, knowers of brahman.
In it are the white and the blue, they say,
          the orange, green, and red,
By brahman was this path discovered;
By it goes the knower of brahman,
          the doer of good, the man of light.
If a person truly perceives the self,
          knowing ’I am he’.
What possibly could he want,
Whom possibly could he love,
          that he should worry about his body?
The self has entered this body, this dense jumble.
          If a man finds him,
          Recognizes him,
He’s the maker of everything – the author of all!
The world is his – he’s the world itself!
While we are still here, we have come to know it.
If you’ve not known it, great is your destruction.
Those who have known it – they become immortal.
As for the rest – only suffering awaits them.
When a man clearly sees this self as god,
          the lord of what was
          and of what will be,
He will not seek to hide from him.
Beneath which the year revolves
          together with its days,
That the gods venerate
          as the light of lights,
          as life immortal.
The breathing behind breathing, the sight behind sight,
          the hearing behind hearing, the thinking behind thinking –
Those who know this perceive brahman,
          the first,
          the ancient.
With the mind alone one must behold it –
          there is here nothing diverse at all!
From death to death he goes, who sees
          here any kind of diversity.
As just singular one must behold it –
          immeasurable and immovable.
The self is spotless and beyond space,
          unborn, immense, immovable.
By knowing that very one a wise Brahmin
          should obtain insight for himself.
Let him not ponder over a lot of words;
          it just tires the voice!“