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Love falls in for Hate, Chance is gambling with her Fate. War’s then tearing into Peace; The dices – never cease. Good embraces Evil lost; Or what say you, Father Frost? Joy undone by gnawing Sorrow; Man the watch!, for demons follow. Morrow’s Day improves the...

Crimson Peak

Creaks and groans Scare my old bones. Shatters and clatters, And nothing else matters. Trickling blackness beams Or so it seems; What eerie bleak noises From dead old machinery Of winter’s sad choices In dripping crimson scenery. Deep down secret cellars The past will...


Secret stories dampened huts allow, Sweat and salt upon my brow But the Tuk-Tuk keeps on moving. Open hearts tell many tales Which the fading moon unveils But the Tuk-Tuk keeps on moving. Carried on through timeless space By melodies of haunting grace When the Tuk-Tuk...