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Sterne sieben; Oder: Auf Sätzen drunter suchen

Sterne sieben; Oder: Auf Sätzen drunter suchen

„But if this were all there were to him, analytic skill, I would be more than willing to shut up about him. What makes it important not to shut up about him was that he used this skill in such a bizarre and yet meaningful way. No one ever saw this, I don’t think he...

Tapfergeist – Eine neue Zeit

Eine neue Ordnung bricht heran, An der die alte Zeit gerann. Wer ficht das Spiel? Wer kennt das Ziel? Schau nur hinein, In Dein Gebein. Da draußen tobt der Schein, Der nicht viel weiß vom Sein. Er weiß nicht, was unsre Welt Im Innersten zusammenhält. Springt hierhin,...


Staring down into a pond; Darkness, Evil and beyond. Mistakes I made were not enough; Deliverance apart, above. Loathing and disgust are welling, Spirit’s ulcer keeps on swelling. Jerk away my head and delve From the mirror of my self. Bileful, taunting, without...
Approaching Infinity

Approaching Infinity

„The true exemplar of God’s infinity is that of your understanding, which is a lively pattern and idea of it. It excludeth nothing, and containeth all things, being a power that permitteth all objects to be, and is able to enjoy them.“ (T. Traherne, „Centuries of...


Part of me cries in ancient despair, Part of me flies, up through the air. Part of me shatters like withered glass, Part of me chatters like unkempt grass. Part of me rushes ’round thickets of tree, Part of me hushes: just wait and see. Part of me creaks in every...