„(…); Krankheit und Gewalt, die Vorboten der Zivilisation: (…)“ (E. Galeano, „Die offenen Adern Lateinamerikas“) „Das Deutsche Reich ist eine Republik, und wers nicht glaubt, kriegt eins ins Genick.“ (A. Döblin, „Berlin Alexanderplatz“) Erst...
„When the velocity of progress increases beyond a certain point, it becomes indistinguishable from crisis. In the pathology of serious diseases there was always a point at which progress culminated in crisis, and there followed either death, or an abatement of the...
Couchsurfing in Amsterdam „Then, when all is done, a person of related mind, a brother or sister by nature, comes to us so softly and easily, so nearly and intimately, as if it were the blood in our proper veins, (…) But only that soul can be my friend which I...
„Wer ist da? Nur ich. O das ist überflüssig genug.“ (Lichtenberg, „Sudelbücher“) It’s all in your head. And your head is the Universe. Das Lied vom Podest „Wenn Du die Geschichte eines großen Verbrechers liesest, so danke immer, ehe Du ihn verdammst, dem gütigen...
Oder: Des Gauners letzter Schabernack „Thus, while Raymond had been wrapped in visions of power and fame, while he looked forward to entire dominion over the elements and the mind of man, the territory of his own heart escaped his notice; and from that unthought of...
(N)Euer Senf – mittelscharf, wenn’s geht