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Love falls in for Hate, Chance is gambling with her Fate. War’s then tearing into Peace; The dices – never cease. Good embraces Evil lost; Or what say you, Father Frost? Joy undone by gnawing Sorrow; Man the watch!, for demons follow. Morrow’s Day improves the...


Tiny waves are playing bright, Teasing Autumn’s golden Light, Chasing pebbles ever after With ripples of their crystal laughter. Ducks shoot across in furrows Like boundless flying arrows, Or gently float amidst the stream; Don’t care about their lucid dream. Joyous...

Lover’s Contract

„So, shall we meet again tonight?“ „It’d be my pleasure, and my pride.“ „Would it be already now…“ „It shall be my solemn vow!“ Time is cruel beyond hope…“ „Fickle, brilliant caleidoscope!“ „My heart is trying to escape“ „To win another’s humble shape.“...

Full Circle

A play of twitching words Appears like singing birds: Growing, swelling, ever moving – Dwindling, fainting, softly soothing. Chaotic it may seem, Like a broken sungod’s beam When it hits a crystal sphere And bursts into a million tear. Your mind can never grasp;...

Das Lied vom Podest

Letzte Woche auf der Straße Sah ich im grauen Grase Im Vorbeigehn ein Podest. Wie es funkelte im Dämmerlicht! Ob es nur hält, was es verspricht? Doch ich bestand den Test Und ließ es liegen, Mocht es sich Auch noch so sehr verbiegen. Viele mögen ihre Augen weiden,...